Tuesday 6 March 2012

What I would like to see in Star Wars: The Clone Wars season Five

Many fans of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series have already begun talking about what they want to see/or see more of in season five, as it's just under two weeks until we get the first season five trailer on March 16th.

Anyway, here's what I want:

-New Jedi: This one may seem a little stupid and unnecessary, but when you think about it, it's not. Over the course of season four, we've only had ONE new Jedi during the entire season, and that one doesn't actually count as he fought against the Clones, and that of course, is Pong Krell. So definitely new Jedi characters needed in season five, as they can be explored, Anakin and co. can not...

-New Clones: Again, you might start off thinking why, but this is a relevant thing. Ever since the Clones switched to their awesome phase II armour, we've only had two new named Clones. (technically three, but that one is Scuba, technically not phase II). Those two are Dogma and Tup from the Umbara arc. The rest of the named Clones this season have just been previously-shown new Clones but in phase II armour, so we totally need to see new Clone characters shown and explored, and thankfully Dave Filoni has promised us some awesome new troopers.

-CIS Council Leaders: Now this is such a relevant topic, it cannot be dismissed. We haven't had a Separatist council leader since Poggle the Lesser, all the way back in season two. And no, Seppie's like Riff Tamson, Osi Sobeck etc are COMMANDER'S, the CIS council leaders are people like Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, etc. And we were so close to getting one, Tikkes, in the Mon Calamari arc, but was cut out because it would screw canon. But not bringing Tikkes in, DID screw canon. That's because Tikkes is the Quarren senator during the Clone Wars, but in the show, that is Nossor Ri. Yet another screwing of canon by the crew. And it has to be said, we NEED these guys on the show. Sure, you can argue they may be boring characters (I personally don't think they are), but these guys are pretty much the reason this war exists. After all, Nute Gunray invented the Battle Droids, Destroyer Droids etc...

-212th Attack Battalion: Ok, I must say it, I am very surprised we have not seen more of this battalion in their phase II armour. We've only had these guys in a couple of episodes, around half of Carnage of Krell, and a few scenes in Kidnapped. And their commander, CC-2224 Cody, has only had a cameo in Darkness on Umbara and a good few scenes in Kidnapped. So we definitely need to see more of them next season, and see some new 212th named Clones, as Waxer tragically has passed away, leaving just Cody and Boil.

-More Dengar: I already liked Dengar a lot and found him a badass before Bounty, but that episode left me wanting to see a lot more of Dengar. He was such a great fighter in hand-to-hand combat, and I'd love to see some more of his crude side to him, especially when he blew up those two guys on the train. Never mind Bane and Embo, we need Dengar back! Let's have some more Dengar action. Must be said, Cad Bane & Dengar would make quite a sweet team.

-CC-3636 Wolffe: We definitely need to see a hell of a lot more of my favourite Clone. Wolffe was certainly given a personality in Mercy Mission (only good thing to come out of that episode), but I'd like to see this gruff personality developed more, and made more dramatic. A great way to show this would be for a Jedi to order Wolffe's men into a death trap, and Wolffe has to show gruff authority to this Jedi. That's just my opinion, but I'd love to see a story like that for Wolffe. It would work much better than what the show has done with Wolffe.

-Republic Commando's: We so need some epic Republic Commando's on the show! Sure, Delta Squad's cameo in season 3 was cool and all, but now we need Commando's that actually fight and do something badass. Filoni did say if they brought anymore Commando's in, then it wouldn't be Delta Squad, but I wouldn't mind that, because all Republic Commando's, for the win...

-Oppo Rancissis: We need Oppo Rancissis on this show, 'nuff said. He's the last member of the Jedi Council that is left to appear on the show, so season five would be about time we got him. And he's one of only two of the Jedi council that hasn't appeared in the Hasbro Clone Wars line, the other is Adi Gallia. It was actually reported a while ago by some "fake" website that Oppo would appear in the season 2 episode Cargo of Doom, but that turned out false...

-Commander Bacara/Commander Neyo: A couple of Clone Commander's from Revenge of the Sith we need to see on the show, for different reasons. Starting with Neyo, his legion actually already appeared this season in "Nomad Droids", minus Neyo. Considering Neyo has exactly the same markings as his generic troops (I think), there's really no excuse not to bring Neyo into the show. As for Bacara, I can only guess Commander Jet is part of a different company altogether to Bacara, unless they both appear in an upcoming episode, which Jet dies in, and Bacara gets promoted. I'd like to see a Clone-story like that.

-Han Solo: Ok... I know MANY people won't agree with me on this one, but this is my opinion. I'd love to see my favourite OT character of all time appear on this show. To my knowledge, he should be around 9-12 years old around the time of this show. If they did bring him in, I wouldn't care what they made him act like or how they portray him, I'd just like to see Han Solo appear on the show. But, I can understand why Lucas isn't interested in bringing him in.

-Bultar Swan: Just like Dengar and Quinlan Vos (plus more), this is another character who is mainly EU-focused and hasn't had much screen-time that I would like to see explored more on the show. Bultar Swan was pretty well-developed in the EU, even though she gets a lame death. Definitely a Jedi I'd be interested in seeing on the show at some point, and as an animated figure. 

-Less focus on the main trio: Sure, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan Kenobi are cool characters, but Anakin is not helping them get developed at all. But, the main trio are just so over-used by now, especially since the latter part of season 3. Anakin has actually appeared in every major battle in the series, (Ryloth, Geonosis, Umbara etc). The only one out of these three that can actually be developed is Ahsoka. But there are stories out there for the other Jedi, and I'm speaking for everyone when I say we would rather see the less shown Jedi on the show.

-Separatist vehicles: While this isn't a major issue, even at this stage in the series we're missing a lot of Separatist technology on the show. The Tri-Droids haven't appeared in ages (in chronological order, not since the movie), and vehicles such as the Spider Walker & Hailfire-Droid have still yet to appear on the show. The Republic themselves have a few missing vehicles as well, but the Separatist's still haven't seen several of their vehicles on the show.

-Important character death's: This has been an issue with the show so far, no one important to the story of the Clone Wars event has died yet really. The closest this season has been Hardcase, in the Umbara arc. If someone like Savage Opress died in the finale, then that would be a fairly important death I guess. But so far, no one relevantly important has actually died yet on the show to be honest...

-More Bly & Gree: It's been so long since these two Clone Commander's have appeared, it's easy to forget they exist anymore. Both of them have only been in two episodes in the series. Gree hasn't appeared since "Weapons Factory", and it was over a year after the episode that it was officially confirmed to be Gree in that episode, even though it was obvious. And Bly hasn't appeared since his debut on the show in the Maridun duology, all the way back in season 1. Now with the change to phase II armour, will we see Bly and Gree finally return, but with their Revenge of the Sith armour?

That's all for what I most want to see in season 5. I could probably write more and come up with more ideas, but to save myself time and energy, and you lot for reading more, I'll leave it at that. Hope you enjoy, and feel free to leave what you would like to see in the comments below!

1 comment:

  1. I also miss Yularen, and I'd love to see Han Solo. Good points, and if they're going to introduce more Jedis, they should be female.
