Saturday 15 October 2011

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 4 "Nomad Droids"

The second of the "Droids" arc featuring R2-D2 and C-3PO was held in high expectation. Though that was due to people expecting it to be very rushed.

The animation in this episode was pretty neat. The Space scenes were really cool, and I feel they detailed Space well. I also enjoyed the animation in the scene where R2-D2 and C-3PO are electrocuted by those "little creatures". Also, the mist surrounding that big leader which was really a hologram used by Pit Droids was pretty neat. The explosion when C-3PO and R2-D2 flew away from the incinerator room was also nicely detailed.

The episode kicked off well, but like I said, it was very rushed. We really were only just getting into the fight on the Jedi Cruiser when it ended. It was nice to see 91st Reconnaisance Clones show up for the first time, but I am disappointed their Commander, Neyo, didn't appear. But he probably wouldn't have done much anyway. Adi Gallia's duel against Grievous was pretty good, and the lightsaber noises when lightsabers clash actually sounded like the movie lightsaber duels, something I feel the Clone Wars crew failed in for the first three seasons. I still wish they killed off Gallia here, as now they will have to waste another episode or more in the future on her. Not that I don't like Adi Gallia, but honestly, she has to be killed before the series ends so she can be replaced by Stass Allie.

I found it funny when R2-D2 knocked aside an R4-droid that was trying to get into a Y-Wing, before nabbing the Y-Wing himself. C-3PO reluctantly got in too, and a funny part was R2-D2 activating the ship while C-3PO was lying crouched on the ship, and upon activation, the Y-Wing send C-3PO flying into the cockpit. This scene in space was the only humourous part of the episode involving the two droids, and considering this and the last one "Mercy Mission" were meant to be humourous episodes, I feel they failed on those counts.

We were then introduced to these little creatures. This is a reference to some movie (Guilliver Tales, spelling?). These little creatures were strange, and we got comparison shots of how tiny they were compared to an Astromech Droid like R2-D2, Astromech Droids themselves are not exactly the hugest things. I honestly thought the worst was over after last week's disaster, but I was wrong. When these creatures marched up blowing those horns or whatever they were, I was like "ENOUGH for one adventure!". And then something bigger came along. The big Hay-Zu arrives. His death was rather stupid, for that matter, so was the character. Hay-Zu says to R2-D2 "Big talk for a small droid!", which is stupid, reason being is that Hay-Zu is MUCH smaller than R2-D2. C-3PO then tries to turn R2 off, but accidentaly pushes R2 on top of Hay-Zu, squashing him to death. One of the lamest deaths on the show by far.

Next planet up, and it was more interesting here. Several weird pirates capture R2-D2 and C-3PO, before bringing him before their leader, who is shrouded in mist. The leader kills the pirate responsible for bringing him non-living beings. That was pretty dramatic and unexpected, and anything but a lame death. It was discovered by R2 that Pit Droids were using holographic images to make a fake leader. I liked the way several of these pirates went in through into the room where the Pit Droids were using these images, and started to shoot and blow everything up, including the Pit Droids. Though I can't be certain if the pirates blew themselves up too.

With their adventures continuing. R2-D2 and C-3PO find themselves aboard a Weequay ship. They are brought to a gladitorial arena, and having watched a torture droid (KO-5D) dismantle and blow up another droid, C-3PO and R2-D2 are saved by the enemy! General Grievous who has arrived, decides the ship would be good for target practice, and opens fire on it. I liked this part, because it shows us a part of what Grievous used to be like, sadistic, something he has not really been on the show. R2 and C-3PO end up on Grievous's flagship, and are brought to the incinerator room...

While most have stated they didn't like the ending to this episode, I actually really enjoyed it. It was rushed, yes. But I still feel it was pretty cool, my only complaints would be it should have been longer, and that Gallia's line sounded like a boy speaking, and Gallia is a female, "Thanks for the rescue, Master Plo!". I enjoyed seeing my favourite, Commander Wolffe, see some action this time. Plo Koon and Wolffe were portrayed very well here. While I really like Commander Wolffe and stick by the character a lot. I must say I laughed at him at the end when C-3PO was telling him about his adventure. Wolffe was like "Actually, sir-" and "Excuse me-" and in the end just ended up sighing, having to listen to C-3PO's adventure...

My verdict: This was a decent episode, not one of the best in the series, but it was okay. A much better adventure episode than "Mercy Mission" last time. This episode was very rushed, and I would have liked to see longer battle scenes involving Jedi & Clones at the start and end, but it was still decent. I would have liked to see Plo Koon duel Grievous, but you can't have everything, right? I look forward to seeing Wolffe and the Wolfpack again later this season. Rating: 7/10.

Next-time: A new planet is explored! The Jedi & Clones battle something other than droids? New Clones! A massive conflict! A planet rises against the Republic! A new Jedi is revealed! The Battle of Umbara! Next-time on the episode "Darkness on Umbara", airing October 28th.

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