Monday 5 December 2011

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 4 First Half Overall Opinion

Water War:
This was a solid start to the season, but it wasn't really premiere material. However, I did enjoy this episode, although the fact it was underwater may have made the action a bit sluggish at times. The debuts of Ackbar & Tamson were really cool, and Tamson was a excellent villain addition. Nothing major happened in this episode, but it was still enjoyable. The underwater animation was top-notch, much better than Kamino last season. Rating: 8/10
Gungan Attack:
This was another solid, if not premiere quality standard. In a way, this episode is actually better than the last one, because when taking animation, plot etc into account, it actually beats Water War, even though I give them the same rating. The Gungans was a fairly obvious choice, and probably the only flaw in the plot. The Tamson VS Kit Fisto duel was epic, and the use of no lightsabers there was great. Rating: 8/10
This was definitly the best of the Mon Calamari arc. It had plenty of drama, and was really cool, especially seeing Anakin tortured like a wimp, while Fisto was all cool about being tortured. The Jar Jar spit was so disgusting, and I hated that moment. Tamson's death was excellently done, though I would rather have not seen Tamson die at all. Rating: 9/10
Shadow Warrior:
This was where the season started to fall downhill momentarily. It was SUCH a rushed episode, and would have worked much better as a 2-part story, instead of cramming it into one episode. Padme's Naboo battle gear was designed and detailed well. The Tarpals sacrifice scene was excellent, but too rushed, plus made Grievous look like such a terrible fighter. Anakin VS Dooku was uneccessary, but I liked the action and music of that scene. The ending was controversial, and I wouldn't have even considered it had I been the writer. Rating: 6/10
Mercy Mission:
This was a horrible, horrible episode. Definitly the joint-worst in the series with Evil Plans. It had nothing. It kept getting gradually worse as the episode went on, until you had pretty much fallen asleep. The one bright point was the clones, especially Wolffe (my Clone). The detail on Wolffe was great, expressions, everything. This episode suffers from being more of a fairytale adventure, than a Star Wars thing. Tragic episode, and what a waste to put Wolffe in. The ending was just so awful and predictable. Rating: 0/10.
Nomad Droids:
This episode picked up from the last one, but not by much at all. This was even more rushed than Shadow Warrior, and was another fairytale adventure which was horrible. Those species were terrible. A whole plot on Adi Gallia's capture and then rescue would have been so much better. The ending was decent enough, and at least this had action. Rating: 3/10
Darkness on Umbara:
This is where the season really kicked into high gear. Full out action, lots of character development, this whole arc was a joy to behold. Finally, Hardcase was given something to do on the show, and he was so awesome. The introduction of Pong Krell really gave the darker side to this arc, especially when he drew his lightsaber on Fives. Rex's speech was very inspirational for the clones. Rating: 10/10
The General:
I really liked this episode, but to me, it was too similar to the previous one in a way. The Umbaran thechnology was so cool, as was Hardcase. The end scene in those starfighters was so hilarious, and the funniest moment on the show. The character development was especially great in this episode. Rating: 10/10
Plan of Dissent:
Another solid Umbara episode. This one however, was more dialogue-focused, but the dialogue was really cool. The ending really hit Clone fans, first with Hardcase's great sacrifice to effectively win the battle as a whole, and then hearing Fives & Jesse are going to be court-martialed. Rating: 9/10
Carnage of Krell:
This is by far, the best written episode of the series. This was a top-notch episode. The character expressions were excellent. The Clones VS Clones really tore at the ultimate Clone fanboy that I am, as did Waxer's death. Krell's "It's treason then..." was a great touch to the episode. Seeing Krell in action finally was definitly a sight worth waiting for. I hated the execution of Krell, as it tore up so many writing potentials for the show. I found it interesting that it was the two newbie clones, Tup & Dogma, that effectively put paid to Krell. Rating: 10/10
This was never going to reach the standards of Umbara, but it was good for what it was. It was great to see Cody do something really in his phase II armour. The cameo's of Boil & Kix were cool. Darts D'Nar was a great villain addition, and his fight with Obi-Wan was both epic and brutal. The one real flaw of this episode was Anakin. Rating: 8/10
Slaves of the Republic
This episode wasn't as good as the first episode in the arc. The references to Star Wars movies and other things were nice touches, as they were actually good things to reference from. It was cool, but Anakin & Ahsoka's acting was truly horrible. Rating: 6/10

Already, I feel this has been the best season of the show. Umbara has really picked this season up, and hopefully the rest of the season will continue to be excellent...


  1. Totally agree that Umnbara was totally awesome and flawless, I never thought Filoni would give a four part arc to the clones but he did and it was awesome. However I kind of like the Threepio and Artoo arc as Star Wars did begin with two wandering droids after all but Nomad Droids was efinatly rushed.

  2. Hmm, very interesting viewpoints, and I agree with you 100% when you say that "Carnage of Krell" was the best episode of the entire series. This has indeed been a season worth watching!
